Opportunities for life
Since 1978, Asian Human Services has offered community services including education, job training, and behavioral health care. Initially created to help the refugees from the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, it expanded to provide comprehensive and culturally-responsive services for families arriving in Chicago from over 50 countries.
They have a singular purpose: to ensure that every immigrant and refugee across Chicagoland has access to personalized support and services necessary to become prosperous members of society.
The challenge was the Asian Human Services name no longer spoke to all of their constituents and was at best misleading, at worst potentially alienating the families they serve.

Brand Vision
Substance developed the name Trellus, with the tagline “Opportuities for life”.
A trellis is a framework that supports the organic growth of plants within a vibrant garden. In this same manner, Trellus as an organization supports the advancement of the lives of our clients, providing a safe space where they can thrive. Trellus is a foundation that celebrates and honors diversity, connectivity, and growth.
The name is inherently disruptive, standing out from so many human services brands. The “us” spelling is meant to suggest diversity and inclusion. There is no “other” at Trellus, there is simply us.

Rebranding an organization with a 45-year history is a formidable challenge. Our transition from the name Asian Human Services to Trellus was not linear, but Substance guided us through the process with remarkable grace and patience. We couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Our staff feel an immense amount of pride in our new name and brand, which not only pays homage to our history but also embodies who we have become – an organization that serves individuals from over 35 different countries. This truly has been a transformative process!