Aspen Institute

Branding   Naming   Website   

Aspen Institute has been at the center of ideas for societal progress since its inception in 1949. Through dialogue and collaboration, leaders better understand the human challenges facing the organizations and communities they serve. The Aspen Institute published the book “Future of Wealth”, designed to expand, connect, and activate a diverse set of leaders committed to advancing a new wealth agenda.

In the decades leading to the 2020s, the U.S. has experienced historic levels of income and wealth inequality. The bottom 50% of the population holds just 2% of the nation’s wealth, a low point not seen since the 1920s. The central theme of this book, is inclusion: If public policy has actively or effectively excluded certain people from accumulating wealth, then we are called to build wealth inclusively — everyone, by design, from as early as birth, is included in systems and policies to build wealth.

Substance was brought in to conceptualize and design a new website to promote the book and the overall brand for the Future of Wealth.

Brand Vision

It was important to develop a sub-brand that resided within the Aspen Institute brand architecture but had a life of its own. Using the existing Aspen Institute color palette we developed a brand and vision that expressed the themes of wealth equity and used the forest green to thematically link it to the notion of growth.

The concepts in the book can be fairly lofty so we wanted to make it feel as accessible as possible to policy experts and the general public alike.

The work of Substance was first rate. They were adaptive to our changing needs, creative and solutions-oriented, with excellent communications. Thanks to Substance’s work, we successfully engaged over a hundred authors and achieved over 800 new email subscriptions. The team was professional and provided high-quality project management. Clients can expect a knowledgeable and creative team of website developers.

Elizabeth Vivirito, Communication Director